Remember the old saying, it’s so true:
You Are What You Eat
All Fruits & Vegetables contain vitamins and nutrients, however, certain Fruits, Vegetables and Plant Based Foods contain massive amounts of Nutrition that are formed in Phyto-chemical’s: Vitamins – Nutrients - Minerals.
These foods have become know as ‘’SUPERFOODS’’
We believe that although individual needs depend on various factors, the most important thing is ‘’BALANCE’’ – a good balance of different foods and ingredients with the majority of your diet consisting of plant based food. This does not mean that you have to turn vegetarian or that your diet will become boring, quiet the opposite in fact and can be very interesting along the way.
Food IS Medicine
Certain foods have been prized for their healing and health-promoting properties.
The way you eat can either contribute to or help you to prevent a wide range of illnesses, from constipation and tooth decay to cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis (loss of bone mass) and high blood pressure.
"Eat more fruits
and vegetables."
It's the one recommendation in almost every diet plan, every guide to nutrition, every fitness book. Even organisations such as the Australian Governments 2 & 5 vegeman program, the World Health Organisation, The CSIRO all agree.
But as much as it's preached, most people still don't eat enough fruits and vegetables every day. While most Australians eat less fruits and vegetables as they age, we really need to increase this to the recommended 5 - 7 servings per day (CSIRO 2006).
That's why there's Juice Plus+®.
Funky Chef highly recommends ~ Whole Food Supplements
Whole food or real actual superfood is the answer and supplements that are made from them. NSA (National Safety Associates) have produced a unique product - Juice Plus+® - the first product to successfully pioneer the use of whole food based nutrition.
What separates Juice Plus+® from every other nutritional supplement on the market is the large and growing body of product-specific research and independent scientific validation.
Juice Plus+® has the ongoing support of leading hospitals and universities around the world, providing evidence that these products actually reach the bloodstream and boost the body's system with first class nutrition.
If you would like more information on Juice Plus+® and the medical research studies and results, simply click on our link below, or email Funky Chef will also ensure you get preferred customer treatment and prices.
